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What have I been up to lately?

I've been working hard on the website and campaign materials. I am planning a campaign Kickoff event for early February at Kettlestrings Tavern.

I've been spending a lot of time meeting with folks. I've met with all of the sitting village board members, and have a few of the candidates left to meet with. I've also met with a wide range of community members to get their take on the issues. If you'd like to meet with me, you can find a time here: Calendar Signup. Once you schedule I'll reach out and work out the details.

I've designed and ordered my yard signs. I am not sure these will be all that useable until the ground thaws, but put if you put in an order now, you'll be ready for the Spring.

I've also been exploring video content. I've recorded videos of my 'tax explainer' series, and will be looking to add many more videos in the next month. I think it's a great way to connect with folks, and they've been well received. 

Committee to Elect Joshua Vanderberg
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