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Affordability: Housing

Oak Park hasn't built enough housing for decades, and we've built almost nothing since the pandemic. Our children can't afford to live here on their own, and we ourselves can't afford to retire here.

I support allowing 'missing middle' housing in most parts of Oak Park. This would allow new housing that's appropriate to what's currently allowed in the neighborhood. For example, in a single family neighborhood, we would allow well designed two and three flats. In neighborhoods with two and three flats, we would allow small apartment buildings or town homes.

This creates more housing in general, lowering prices over time, taking the pressure off of older more affordable homes and apartments. Newer more accessible housing will allow us to downsize and stay in the community we love as we age, and more affordable housing will give the next generation the opportunity to build their future here.

I also support our Affordable Housing Fund and our inclusionary zoning ordinance. It's an integral part of our affordable housing strategy that's built hundreds of affordable units. We should continue with this funding and development model, and build more.

Learn more about Missing Middle housing here: AARP guide to Missing Middle Housing

Committee to Elect Joshua Vanderberg
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